By day, I'm a mobile beauty therapist & sometimes that requires applying fake tan to my clients. Now, despite the fact that my clients absolutely love fake tan, I don't really! I really can't be bothered (or have the time!) with the faff of it all! So, if I can get a bit of a glow without all that, I will do!
Here's where Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula comes in...
Their natural bronze body lotion is just perfect for me. It's a gradual tanning moisturiser & contains of course, pure cocoa butter with vitamin E (great for your skin).
It comes in a handy pump bottle so you aren't constantly having to take a top off when applying it.
It suits all skintones & builds up a gradual natural looking tan in no time & without streaking - just be careful around the toe area!
I'm really pleased with it & it smells amazing! Just like chocolate!
So, if you want to get your 'glow on' without that fake tan 'faff', grab the Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Natural Bronze Lotion & you will be ready to face the summer!
Bee x